Friday, December 18, 2015

We are starting biographies right after break, IF you would like to go to the library and check out a biography over break, feel free to do so. We are going to our LMC the Monday we get back so you will have the option to check one out in our LMC.

HOMEWORK: Log on to and use the code to complete the Language Arts


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Just a quick note to say that Shelly, Rachel and I seldom have a day that we don't think about how lucky we are to work at such a great school with such great kids and parents.  Since my move to Madison 5 years ago, I'm still often surprised and humbled by the community's dedication and reverence for public education.  As a new parent, I know first-hand that you the parents, entrust us with your most valuable possessions everyday and we're honored by that trust.  I hope you and your family have a wonderful and relaxing holiday break and looking forward to a great 2016...

                 ~Justin Kruger

Language Arts: Presented co-written theme-based literary essays.

Reading: Duffield hour 2- continued nonfiction work

Social Studies: Egypt Brochures

Tomorrow Kruger and Duffield homerooms will spend most of the morning together. Dress for the weather as we may go outside for a part of our time together. Also, feel free to bring a nut-free snack for yourself. 


Mon-Wed: This week students received their Chapter 3 tests back and we began chapter 4.  We completed lesson 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and students are beginning to work on the foundations of algebra and creating numeric expressions.  Check IC for Chapter 3 test scores and stay tuned for Makeup scores soonthereafter. 

Thursday:  Test corrections are due Thursday (they had 1 day of class to make corrections and consult me and their classmates in class).  Students can elect to do a makeup of any of the 3 sections which will raise their grades on Thursday.


This week we wrapped up our 1st unit on Physics with some explorations of friction and measuring the Newton's of Force of friction.  The week culminated in the 12th annual Great Marble Race (started by the excellent Mr. David Long years ago) where students were tasked with creating the most friction they could to slow down the movement of a marble as much as they could.  Much fun was had and great engineering displayed.  After winter break we will begin our journey into Diversity of Life (Biology).

**apologies, I thought I made this live earlier this week but I missed "Publish" doh!


We began our unit focusing on the essential question, "What's important and how do we know what's important?"  This is a nonfiction unit emphasizing analytical and summarizing skills.  Students chose their nonfiction books and the unit officially kicks off after break.  Students will read a required number of pages each week and will work on targeted nonfiction reading strategies each day in class.

**Friday:  We're having a fun day away from curriculum periods 1-5 with a goal of building our classroom community and improving communication amongst students.  Students can bring in nut-free snacks and Duffield/Kruger kids will hang out together throughout the day.**

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Language Arts: Finished co-writing theme based literary essays with writing partners. They will be shared in class tomorrow.

Reading: Duffield hour 2- Discussed nonfiction projects.

Social Studies: Presented Egypt Brochure Projects.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Language Arts: Worked on co-writing theme based literary essays with writing partners. These will be presented in class on Thursday. Homework- school and home literary essay due TOMORROW.

Reading: Nonfiction work- presentations for nonfiction projects start tomorrow. 

Social Studies: Reading informational texts about Egypt and turning notes into full paragraphs with topic sentences, was our focus today! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Language Arts: In class this week, we are woking literary essays among common texts. The students are working with their writing partners and co-creating a "trifold" essay using a theme the texts share. The partnerships will present on Thursday in class.  Homework- Home & school literary essay are due on 12/16.

Reading: Duffield- hour 2- Worked on Latin Stems- quiz on 1/11/16.

Social Studies: Worked on taking notes and turning them into paragraphs with a clear topic sentence.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Language Arts: Last work day in school to edit and revise home & school literary essays. They are due 12/16.

Reading: Duffield hour 2- work day. Latin Stem Quiz- 12/14 and nonfiction project due 12/16.

Social Studies: Determined importance (while taking notes) in nonfiction writing while reading Egypt books. Students are working on an Egypt Brochure that will be completed in class.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Language Arts: Caution- We have been diligent about writing STRONG Literary Essays, do NOT take your conclusion lightly. Above, you can see suggestions for writing strong conclusions. Also, on the right hand side are 2 examples of conclusions for our mentor text (please click on it to enlarge). Homework- School and Home Literary Essays are due 12/16.

Reading: Duffield hour 2- Worked on nonfiction project- there is one more class period to work an them and they are due 12/16. Latin stem quiz is 12/14.

Social Studies: Finished Pyramid video. Assigned Egypt Books to work on an in-school brochure.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Language Arts: Work day focusing on introductory paragraphs. Homework- school and home literary essays are due on 12/16.

Reading- Duffield 2nd hour- Read The Open Window while completing our Reading Logs.

Social Studies: Watched a video on Egyptian Pyramids.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Language Arts: Spent time writing our introductory paragraphs- SEE above as we co-created one for Raymond's Run. Homework- Suggested- complete your introductory paragraph for your home literary essay. Our school and home literary essays are due 12/16.

Reading- Duffield- hour 2- worked on Nonfiction projects which are due on 12/16.

Social Studies: Read through the Egyptian Creation Myth.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Language Arts: Finished up conferences looking for thesis statement and 3 clear topic sentences that tie into thesis statement. We will discuss what makes a strong introductory paragraph on Tuesday and a concluding paragraph on Wednesday. Homework- As we are finishing up our Literary Essay Unit, students are on their own completing their HOME literary essay. School and home literary essays are both due on Wednesday, December 16th. Feel free to send them electronically (if your name is on it!) or turn in them in hand written. 

Reading: Duffield- hour 2- Completed a Latin Stem Quiz and received new words. Latin Quiz on 12/14/15.

Social Studies: Finished presenting Egypt Flyers. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Order of a literary essay:
·         Background information about the text
·         Transition sentence leading into your claim
·         Thesis

·         Topic sentence 1
·         Evidence paragraph (body paragraph 1)_______________

·         Transition sentence- topic sentence 2
·         Evidence paragraph (body paragraph 2)_______________

·         Transition sentence- topic sentence 3
·         Evidence paragraph (body paragraph 3)_______________
·         Analysis of evidence

·         Conclusion

(Story-telling, summarizing, referring to key details)

Language Arts: Wrote a flash draft of our literary essay on loose leaf paper that included a thesis statement and 3 body paragraphs (order is seen above). Mini-conferences also occurred! Homework- write 3rd body paragraph for home short story. 

Reading: Duffield hour 2- Focused on nonfiction article & project. Latin quiz on Monday.

Social Studies: Presented our Ancient Egypt Specialized Worker Flyer. See some examples above. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Language Arts- Continued to work on our body paragraphs for our literary essays. We really wanted to make sure that our topic sentence for each body paragraph ties DIRECTLY back to our thesis statement. We looked at an example of a literary essay where the topic sentence was not always the first sentence in the paragraph but possibly the second or even the last. Adding different thought prompts to your essay, as seen above, is another goal for your body paragraphs.  Homework- Continue to work on body paragraphs 1 & 2 for your HOME short story. 

Reading: Duffield hour 2- Worked on our nonfiction reading project that are due 12/16. 

Social Studies: Last time in class to work on our Egypt Specialized Worker Flyer as they are being presented in class tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Language Arts: We worked HARD on co-constructing the 1st body paragraph in our class literary essay. Note the topic sentence and that it ties directly to the thesis statement and that it is underlined. We used summarizing to show our evidence of her being fiercely protective of her brother (TOP poster) and used key details (bottom poster)- (you may look back on an older blog post to see examples of story-telling).  Homework- Write your first body paragraph (underlining the topic sentence) using your HOME short story.You should use the same word choice you have in your thesis- it all ties back to our thesis statement.  

Reading: Duffield hour 2- Read a nonfiction text and identified main ideas and facts/opinions as well as summarized article. 

Social Studies: Worked on our Ancient Egypt specialized worker flyer. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

MATH:  This week we're working with fractions, decimals, percents and ratios as we find efficient ways to look at portions.   
Tonight's Homework (21/1) is Review & Preview p.143-144.  Question 3-109 refers to a "portions web." There are some notes in the student's Toolkit (the thin book they record ideas on in their binders) that has an explanation but you can also access the ebook with the "hints" tab or even google "cpm and portions web" since CPM is mostly open source.  FYI We are nearing the end of Chapter 3 and should have a test on Chapter 3 early next week (Tuesday 12/8).

SCIENCE: This week we are exploring Newton's Laws of Motion.  We are starting by focusing on his 1st Law and students have been exploring it hands on with the magician's trick, catching quarters and the tablecloth and the dishes demonstrations.
READING:  This week we are starting our nonfiction unit where we will focus on specific reading strategies for reading nonfiction.  The latest reading research says 6th graders should read around 50% nonfiction.  We have/will discuss the picturing it reading strategy, will look at genres and sub-genres of nonfiction and will choose nonfiction books to use for the unit.  Latin Stems quiz 12/7
Evidence to support your thesis:

1. Story-telling using evidence from the text
One day when, when Squeaky and Raymond are walking.......

2. Summarizing
We learn right away that Raymond is "not quite right in the head." During their strolls....

3. Refer to key details of text

For example, when she describes how she practices running.........

Language Arts- We reread our SCHOOL short story using our thesis statement to drive our purpose. For example, if my thesis statement is "Squeaky is fiercely protective of brother in the beginning, middle, and end," students need to reread the short story looking for evidence that she is fiercely protective at those places in the story. Above are some ways that students can start creating their body paragraphs to support their thesis. Homework- Reread HOME short story and Close Read it (highlight, mark it up, make comments based on home thesis statement). 

Reading- Duffield hour 2- Worked on our non-fiction book project. Students will have 4 more IN SCHOOL times to work. They are due 12/16- Fluency read is 12/4 and Latin Quiz is 12/7. 

Social Studies-  Studied different roles people had in Early Egypt- merchants, priests, home builders..... Students are creating a flyer for their specialized job during the school day- this is not homework.