Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Science Projects Due Tomorrow!

Greetings, just a friendly reminder that science projects are due tomorrow Thursday April 31st.  (Students have had 5 days in class to work on their projects, including the last 2 days.  Check their planners for their daily goals they set for using class time productively:)

There are 2 parts to the project:

Part I: The visual (cell model of various) and analogies for 10 organelles (2-3 sentences each).

Part II:  Cell Organelles and their functions matching (handout received in class).

Please check the blog post from earlier for the rubric with ore details and looking forward to some great projects!

Mr. K

P.S.  To the moms out there...I often describe 7th grade kids as being particularly challenging at times.  I'm also fond of describing 6th graders post Spring Break as being 7th graders (it's like it just happens all of a sudden).  I came across this article that validates this challenging time of parenting that I thought you hard working parents and moms would enjoy - hang in there! 

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